Online Skin and Digestive Consultancy
Home Treatments Online Skin and Digestive Consultancy
Virtual skin and digestive consultancy via Skype or Zoom
Why have an online Skin and Digestive Health Consultancy?
- You have skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema and Psoriasis.
- Your skin is itchy, painful and/or uncomfortable.
- You don’t just have oily skin with breakouts, your skin is also dry and cracked in places too.
- You spend a lot of time and money on covering up your skin and finding ways to make it appear clearer.
- You feel self-conscious at work and worry that people are staring at your skin.
- You feel unattractive and not yourself when you look in the mirror and understand why you are experiencing this.
- You are tired of people being ‘helpful’ by offering solutions and tips to clear your skin that you have already tried and tested.
- The medical system is failing you and you want a more holistic approach.
- You want some expert advice and want to get healthier skin.
- You are at the stage in your life when you know you need to focus on a happier, healthier, more Vibrant you!
Reasons to have a Skin and Digestive Health Consultancy at Vibrant:
- Believe me I have been there, I know exactly what you are going through and this is why I am so passionate about empowering you to see there is light at the end of the tunnel.
- Proven track record with clients
- I will only advise you on natural 100% free of chemical supplements
- I Will empower you to take charge of your own health.
- All my testimonials are from real clients.
Where you’re at…
You feel embarrassed by your skin and have spent a lot of money on products that don’t work and perhaps have made your skin even worse. You try not to linger in front of the mirror and have given up trying to cover your skin problems or over compensate by wearing a lot of make-up. Your self-confidence is at its lowest and you are eager to treat the problem not just mask its symptoms.
The problems you have right now…
You have tried many different products, visited lots of beauty salons and are considering taking stronger medicinal treatments to help combat your skin issues but are unsure about the long list of side effects. Your self-confidence is at rock bottom. You just want someone to help you, to show you how to fix the problem so you can get on with your life and feel confident in your own skin again.
What you need help with right now…
Discovering the root cause of the problem causing your skin issues rather than masking them and only treating the symptoms when they appear.
A place to go for help with a friendly atmosphere and people with first-hand experience of your issues and knowledge of how to treat them.
Someone who will empower you to feel good in your own skin again.
The treatment that will suit you best is Skin and Digestive Health Consultancy. This is for people, like you, who really need to get back to their former health levels. It’s also an excellent starting point for people who have had long term problems. The programme will also be of particular help to people with digestive disorders such as IBS, Constipation, Candida, Parasites. I only use natural methods with a holistic approach.
I have a Darlington based clinic and am an expert at dealing with digestive issues which are often the root cause of skin conditions you are experiencing.

What a Typical Appointment Includes
Find Out MoreMany of our clients may have these issues:
- IBS & digestive disorders
- Bloating
- Food intolerances
- Food cravings
- Detoxification
- Autoimmune conditions
- Parasites
- Candida
- Detoxification
- Skin conditions
- Bone and joint health
- Osteoporosis
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Osteoporosis
- Frequent infections
- Lack of energy
- Headaches/migraines
- Women’s health problems
- Men’s health