About Us
A little about us

About Tania
At Vibrant in the heart of Darlington, I am committed towards education and promotion of Holistic and digestive health which in turn helps you experience true beauty, vibrant health and complete well-being.
Tania’s work is unique. She offers cutting edge, digestive and hormone protocols that bring together the modern advances in nutrition and highly effective, tried and tested Kinesiology. She is also an EFT Advanced Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique) and a Reiki Master.
Her clinical interest is in the gut, brain, mind and body connection, and she specialises in gut health, hormone dysregulation, stress and anxiety.
About Bonnie
Bonnie is renowned for her approach as she is calm, empathetic and centred and she ensures she takes away the stress from these treatments to renew, revitalise and replenish her client’s digestive system.
Her clinical interest is gut health and the gut brain, mind and body connection. Using her wealth of knowledge and experience in Colonic Irrigation/Hydrotherapy, Food Intolerance Testing and Mora Therapy allowing her clients to feel focused and empowered to achieve balance in their gut health and emotional state. Bonnie offers sessions in clinic only at Vibrant.

Here is why you will make the right choice as you decide to visit Vibrant for a therapy or consultation:
- Digestive health is my exclusive focus area. Your immune system can sometimes get compromised due to lack of optimum digestion, assimilation and elimination. Improper digestion, combined with the modern day stress can result in accumulation of toxins, which in turn is an invitation to parasites, scavengers and infections that destroy the natural balance in your gut flora. This leads to disease condition and lack of vitality.
- I want to help you regain your strength and energy by focusing on the problem you are facing. Our plans are therefore personalised for you and include a combination of nutrition and lifestyle management therapies.
- I help you prepare for your treatment. Prior to your treatment, you receive a set of instructions that enable you to decide on the things that you should be doing before the start of your therapy. My consultations ensure that your treatment is tailored for you to receive what is best for you, based on your goals.
- I will provide a personalised follow up plan that enables you to maximise the process of detoxification and experience great energy levels and optimum health even after treatment.
- Vibrant Treatment rooms are sanitised and prepared for each therapy and our materials are single use disposable.
- My focus is on organic, holistic therapies and products that can help you regain your health, re-balance your life and re-energise your body and mind.
- I believe in and propagate use of real, organic supplements with no added synthetic components.
- My online reviews are real and genuine.
- I have received accreditation from I-ACT/ I-CHA and cater to the highest levels of professional excellence to enable our clients experience greatest standards in health and beauty.
Allow me to help you achieve your balance, rejuvenate yourself from inside out and feel in great shape – always. Book an appointment with me for any of our wonderful digestive focused treatments. Vibrant Clinic is based in Darlington, County Durham.
I believe in changing the world for good – one person at a time