Food Intolerance Testing
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Food Intolerance Testing In Darlington
Food Intolerance Test in Darlington, County Durham contact us to find out more or simply click the Book An Appointment Now button and book your Food Intolerance Test today.
As experienced practitioners, We have helped babies, children and adults with food intolerance testing.
Reasons why you should choose Vibrant for a Food Intolerance Test
- I am Highly Experienced and Qualified
- Digestive Disorders is my Speciality
- I have a holistic approach
- I have high Success Rates with Clients
- All my reviews are from Real Clients
- I Empower you to facilitate change in your wellbeing
- I will give you email and text support

What a Typical Appointment Includes
Find Out MoreMany of our clients may have these issues:
- IBS & digestive disorders
- Bloating
- Food intolerances
- Food cravings
- Detoxification
- Autoimmune conditions
- Parasites
- Candida
- Detoxification
- Skin conditions
- Bone and joint health
- Osteoporosis
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Osteoporosis
- Frequent infections
- Lack of energy
- Headaches/migraines
- Women’s health problems
- Men’s health
Get the answers you want
We all know the importance of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, but this is not all there is to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Some people are intolerant to certain foods, such as wheat and dairy, so what is harmless and healthy to one person can have debilitating effects on another person’s body, such as migraines, digestive issues, bloating and even joint problems. Some of the most common problems include gluten and wheat intolerance and dairy intolerance.
Wheat Intolerance Testing
Gluten is a protein found in grains, such as wheat, barley and rye. Some people are allergic to wheat, but that is not the same as a gluten allergy. If you have an intolerance to wheat this means that your body could be producing an inflammatory response to wheat proteins present in your diet.
If you think you may be intolerant to a certain food, it can be difficult to know what route to take, but at Vibrant I can help you to make the right choices and determine which foods are right and wrong for your body.
Lactose Intolerance Testing
Along with bloating and abdominal pain, other symptoms of lactose,dairy or milk intolerance include excessive flatulence and even nausea. Vibrant Feeling can discuss any and all symptoms and undertake the right test to identify any intolerance’s before making any changes to your diet.
In order to identify your particular food intolerance, I utilise the innovative Mora III Bio-Resonance machine. The testing process itself is non-invasive and involves the use of a probe and a pressure point. We can test your immune response to a hundred different foods, and determine if you have a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals.
Once it has been determined which foods provoke a negative reaction in your body, I will provide tailor made nutritional advice so you can feel well informed about what to do next. We will advise you on which supplements you can take to support your health and make sure you get all the nutrients you require, while avoiding those foods that produce harmful effects.You will also have access on this website providing you with literature on your particular intolerance so you can learn more.
The Mora III Bio-Resonance test is capable of doing much more than identifying food intolerances. It can also identify airborne allergies and levels of Candida, allowing you to identify what foods you should be eating for optimum health and which ones you should be avoiding.
I understand that every client is unique and has their own individual needs which is why I offer various different testing options. full test, encompassing food intolerance, airborne allergy testing and vitamin and mineral deficiency testing is available for the affordable price of £99.00.
Don’t put up with pain and discomfort any longer – if you think you may have a wheat, lactose or other food intolerance, get in touch with us today to find out more about what I can do for you.
- Will enable you to identify which foods you are intolerant to
- Enables you to make positive changes in your diet so you can enjoy better health in the long term
- We give completely individual and tailor made treatment and advice to every client, as each person has unique dietary requirements
- The testing process is non-invasive and painless
- We can test for intolerance to a hundred different foods, from common problems like gluten and wheat intolerance to less common issues
- The treatment can also identify airborne allergies and determine levels of Candida and vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- You will receive nutritional advice to help you on your way towards a healthy and beneficial diet
In order to get the most out of allergy and intolerance testing, it is important to take a few steps to prepare yourself. Here are some of our tips to get you ready for testing.
- On the day of the test, please do not apply hand cream.
- If you are wearing jewellery on the hand which is being tested, you will be asked to take it off, so it maybe easier to leave it at home.
- Do not wear nylon stockings or tights to your appointment.
- Please refrain from eating a full meal in the hour before the test.
Many people have adverse reactions to the foods they eat without realising it. They may know that they feel unwell, but be unable to identify the exact cause. Some of the symptoms of food intolerance include fatigue, headaches, loss of concentration, skin conditions, depression and digestive problems such as bloating, nausea and vomiting, Crohn’s disease and IBS. Intolerance can also lead to cardiovascular diseases and ailments of the musculoskeletal system, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
We can carry out testing to check for food sensitivities, using bio-energetic techniques to investigate which foods are having a negative effect. The test is painless and non-invasive. Here we aim to answer some of the most frequently asked questions to do with food testing.
Do I need this test?
If you have any of the symptoms we have outlined, and your doctor has confirmed that there is no other reason for your feelings of unwellness, then the test could be extremely beneficial for you, helping you to pinpoint the cause and start enjoying better health and wellbeing.
How long should I wait before being tested again?
6-8 weeks is the recommended period to wait between tests.
Is food intolerance prevalent in any specific age group?
Food intolerance can affect people of all ages, from children to the elderly. According to research, everyone can experience benefits from being tested and adjusting their diet accordingly.
Will I have the same test result as my family member?
Not necessarily. Each and every person is unique and will have their own individual test results.
If my test identifies a problem food, will I ever be able to eat it again?
Yes, although you will need to be careful. Problem foods can be reintroduced into the diet slowly and gradually so as not to overload the body. You will also only be able to eat the food occasionally rather than every day – a couple of times a week at the most. You will not have to miss meals; problem foods can be replaced with others which do not have an adverse reaction on the body.
Will I still be able to drink alcohol?
We can test your reaction to the ingredients of various alcoholic drinks, such as yeast, grapes and grains. If you have an adverse reaction to any of these, it is recommended to switch to alcoholic beverages which do not contain the problematic ingredient.
How will I obtain calcium if I discover I have an adverse reaction to milk?
There are various other foods which provide a rich source of calcium, including seeds, nuts, green vegetables and wholegrains. You may also take a calcium supplement to augment your intake.
What are the risks involved in testing?
The test is completely safe and non-invasive. We will not take any blood, and there is no pain involved. Your food sensitivities will register on the machine, not in your body, and we will be able to see instantaneous results.
Is testing suitable for everyone?
Yes. As the test is safe, everyone can benefit from it. Over the years people of all ages have undergone testing, from babies to elderly people.
How will I remember all the things I need to do after my test is completed?
We will provide you with written information which you can refer back to, giving you useful guidelines for diet, nutrition and aftercare. If you have any queries, you can get in touch by phone or email and we will answer them.
If I discover I have a deficiency in a particular nutrient, will I need to take supplements?
We will advise you on which foods you can incorporate into your diet to gain the nutrients you need. Supplements can be helpful in many cases, but they are not always absolutely necessary. If we think you would benefit from taking a supplement, we will recommend suitable ones for your needs.
I am on medication. Will I be able to take supplements?
Some supplements will be fine to take alongside medication, while others will have adverse effects. Make sure to check with your doctor – it’s better to be safe than sorry.
As an irritable bowel syndrome sufferer, how can I benefit from being tested for mineral and vitamin deficiencies?
People with IBS have trouble effectively digesting the food they eat and absorbing nutrients. A vitamin or mineral shortage could be the reason behind your difficulties with digesting food, so by finding out about the problem, you can address it with dietary changes and alleviate the symptoms.
Will I experience a reaction when I cut foods out of my diet?
The body can sometimes be resistant to change, which means you may experience an initial reaction when removing certain foods from your diet, but in the long term the results will be well worth it. As the toxins gradually leave your body, your health and wellbeing will be vastly improved.
Some of my favourite foods are shown in my results. Do I really have to go without them?
There are so many possible replacements, so you don’t have to feel as though you are missing out. We can provide you with lists of alternative foods to replace the ones which are giving you negative effects. For example, if you are found to be intolerant to wheat, there are sixteen alternative grains which are readily available in health food stores.
During the appointment, you will be provided with the results of the test on a sheet. You will then be given advice on the kind of diet and nutrition which would be most beneficial for your needs. If we find that you are deficient in any essential minerals or vitamins, we will advise you on which supplements you can take to help yourself achieve optimal health.
By registering on our site, you will be able to access and download useful information to help you take care of yourself both before and after your appointment. Our social media pages are also great places to find support and discover new information.
Disclaimer: Food Intolerance Testing is not intended as a replacement for GP consultations or medical care, and our aftercare tips are not intended to override dietary advice from your GP. Always consult your doctor if you think you may have a health problem.