Top 10 Strategies for Restoring Your Gut Health

Your digestive system is a key component of your overall health. Its health affects your immune system and more. In fact, research has found that your gut controls so many functions that it is often referred to now as a second brain!

Digestive System Symptoms of Poor Health

Do you suffer from the following symptoms on a daily or weekly basis?

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Reflux
  • And other issues

It’s normal to experience an occasional issue after a big meal or poorly cooked food. However, if you experience these symptoms on a daily basis, then it’s time to talk to a Naturopath or Digestive expert.

If you’ve been feeling “off” lately, the good news is that you can take action to heal your gut and strengthen your health.

Try these strategies for gut relief and healing:

  1. Check your medications. Certain medications can affect your digestive system.
  • If you’re experiencing a side effect from one of your medications that is related to your digestive system, discuss it with your doctor. You may be able to adjust the medications that cause digestive issues.
  • If you’ve taken antibiotics, be aware that they affect digestive systems.
  1. Check for food allergies. Not all food allergies are easy to detect. You can book a food intolerance test with us today and we can help you get on track.
  • You may have a food allergy or sensitivity that is hurting your digestive system. Your body is unique, and you may not have all the symptoms that are typical.
  • If you suspect a food allergy is present, discuss it with us or another Natropath
  1. Remove sugar and refined carbohydrates. Bacteria in your digestive system can feed on the sugar and refined carbohydrates and create issues.
  • If you want to heal your gut, it’s important to change your diet.
  • Cutting out sugar and refined carbohydrates is the first step to strengthening your health. You’ll reduce yeast growth in the gut and other unpleasant issues.
  1. Add fibre. Your digestive system needs fibre to function properly. Using natural sources of fibre usually works the best. Nuts, vegetables, beans, and whole grains have the fibre you need.
  2. Try digestive enzymes. Your gut may be lacking the necessary enzymes to digest your food effectively. Your doctor can recommend supplements that help restore your enzymes.
  3. Try probiotics. Probiotics can help you heal your gut and may help you feel better.
  • You can find probiotics in a variety of fermented foods such as kimchi and kombucha. You can also find them in yogurts and other items.
  • You may also want to try probiotic supplements.
  1. Avoid fast food and processed food. These foods have high levels of salt and fat, and can make your gut feel worse.
  2. Chew carefully. Not chewing your food properly can hurt your gut as well.
  • Chewing gives saliva a chance to mix digestive enzymes with the food before you even swallow it. This helps your gut break down the food easier.
  • Experts recommend chewing each bite of food at least 20 times.
  1. Warm up your food. Eating cold food puts more stress on your digestive system.
  2. Sit down to eat. Relax and enjoy your food, rather than hurrying through your meal.

If you’re experiencing digestive issues, and you want help then contact us at Vibrant feeling in Darlington. Your digestive system may be able to heal on its own. Following these tips will help you return your gut back to a healthier state and then maintain it.

The Surprising Truth About Processed Foods

How many times have you heard advice about avoiding processed foods? If you want to lose weight or just eat a healthy diet, that does make sense for the most part. However, there are important differences among processed foods that are rarely discussed.

Some processed foods are actually good for you and others may be more fattening than you think. Find out how to make smart choices before you toss another packaged food item into your grocery cart.

Understanding Processed Food:

  1. Recognise processed food. Any food that undergoes changes during preparation is considered processed. That can include steps like freezing or cooking that have relatively minor impact or drastic changes that add large amounts of sugar and salt and create empty calories.
  2. Avoid ultra-processed food. When nutritionists talk about avoiding processed food, they’re mostly talking about ultra-processed foods. These items contain more lab products than natural ingredients, and about 70% of the packaged food in most supermarkets fall into this category.
  3. Watch your weight. Over-processed foods may be a major factor in rising rates of overweight and obesity. A study by the National Institutes of Health found that participants who ate these foods gained more weight than those who ate natural foods even when they consumed the same number of calories.
  4. Compare brands. One apple is about the same as another when it comes to nutrients. However, packaged foods vary widely. For example, some breakfast cereals may be mostly white sugar and white flour while others are unsweetened whole grains.
  5. Read labels. How can you tell the difference? Check the labels on the back for the list of ingredients and nutritional information, including added sugar and salt. The front of the package is mostly advertising and may be misleading.

Choosing Healthy Processed Food:

  1. Buy beans. Canned beans are a fast alternative to dried. Just rinse off the salty liquid and toss them in salads or soups.
  2. Go fish. Increase your fish intake with fresh tuna and salmon instead of tinned. Enjoy them in sandwiches and casseroles.
  3. Eat yogurt. Avoid excess sugar by buying plain yogurt. Add your own flavour with fresh fruit, cinnamon, or even a little coffee. You can also lighten up some recipes by substituting yogurt for ingredients like sour cream.
  4. Add nuts. Some nut butters can be just as wholesome as the ones you make at home. Check the labels to avoid added sugar and unhealthy fats.
  5. Flip burgers. On the other hand, whole soy foods have more flavour and nutrients than the textured vegetable protein in commercial veggie burgers. Browse online for easy recipes using ingredients like beans and lentils.
  6. Sow your oats. If you think the breakfast cereals at your local organic market cost too much, pick up a container of plain oats. They’re extremely versatile. Use them for baked goods as well as binding burgers and thickening soups and stews.
  7. Switch breads. Studies show that most breads are ultra-processed with high levels of saturated fat, sugar, and sodium. If you don’t have time to bake your own, look for products made from sprouted whole grains, sourdough, or 100% whole wheat.
    8 Frozen and canned vegetables and fruits can be nutritious but you must be aware that anything in a tin will leach into the food. I would always recommend fresh fruit.

Healthy eating can be affordable and convenient. Avoid ultra-processed foods but take advantage of packaged items that can help you to prepare nutritious meals and snacks for you and your family.

Surprising Facts About Not Eating Enough

Millions of people read diet books and watch weight loss competitions on TV. It might come as a surprise to learn that under-eating can also be harmful to your health because the subject receives much less attention.

Sensible dieting or intermittent fasting can be safe for most adults. However, consuming insufficient calories on a regular basis often leads to chronic fatigue and other serious issues.

Are you eating enough?

Find out more about how under eating affects your body and how you can overcome it.

Understanding Under eating:

  1. Recognise the symptoms. Some signs of under-eating are easy to spot. You’ll probably feel tired and your skin may look dull. You may also experience hair loss and constipation.
  2. Protect your body. There are other symptoms that are less visible. When your body is starved for fuel, it starts to break down muscle and organ tissue. Your immune system becomes weaker, so you’re more likely to become ill. You may also develop osteoporosis and anaemia.
  3. Diet safely. Eating too little and exercising too much can backfire when you’re trying to lose weight because your metabolism will slow down. The National Institute of Health recommends a minimum of 1,200 calories a day for women and 1,500 for men to prevent malnutrition.
  4. Deal with stress. Maybe you’ve lost your appetite because of disturbing events like losing your job or going through a divorce. Build your strength back up by talking with supportive friends and family and developing new interests.
  5. See your doctor. Weight loss can also be a sign of medical conditions including depression and eating disorders. Your doctor can help rule out other causes and adjust your medications if needed.
  6. Ask a dietician. At Vibrant we are nutrition experts who can help you to create an individual program that works for you.

Overcoming Under eating:

  1. Love your body. Are you eating less because you want to look like the celebrities you see online? Learn to accept your body and play up your strong points like a long neck or strong shoulders.
  2. Eat smaller, but more, meals. If eating more is a struggle for you, try preparing more meals each day. Break a bigger breakfast and lunch down into four separate servings.
  3. Snack more. Eat between meals too. Make it convenient by bringing along your own supplies like smoothies, yogurt, and nuts.
  4. Focus on whole foods. The quality of your food matters as much as the amount. Avoid filling up on junk food with excess sugar and salt that cause inflammation and other troubles. Stick to healthy fare like vegetables, whole grains, and fish.
  5. Increase protein. Foods rich in plant protein are especially helpful for providing energy and strengthening your muscles and bones. Include some protein in each meal and snack so you’ll be able to digest it more effectively.
  6. Choose healthy fats. Consuming more fat is a simple way to take in more calories from the same amount of food. Add a little more olive oil to hummus and roasted potatoes. Switch to non dairy products. Start the day with a serving of salmon or other fatty fish.
  7. Take supplements. Under eating often creates nutritional deficiencies, so you may need supplements at least temporarily. Again at Vibrant feeling ltd we can help you with this as we only provide non synthetic supplements that the body recognises as food so absorption and assimilation in the body is far greater.

Maintaining a healthy weight lowers your risk for health complications and increases your chances for living a long and active life. Its important to how to develop a diet that keeps you energetic and well-nourished without gaining or losing too many pounds.

Top 5 Healthiest Dark Green Vegetables

Remember when your parents used to load your plate up with veggies and not let you have any dessert until you finished every last bit? They just might have been onto something with all those dark green vegetables.

Take a look at Popeye and his spinach. He would down a can and practically lift a car. Impressive wasn’t it? Maybe the general idea isn’t so far fetched.

Five of the healthiest dark green vegetables include broccoli, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce and Swiss chard. These vegetables, identified by their dark green color, are rich in antioxidants and usually have large amounts of phytochemicals like Vitamin C.

If you’ve turned on the television in the past three years, antioxidants have been all over the news. They’ve been proven to help reduce the risk of cancer and strengthen the immune system.

Many foods tend to lose nutrients when cooked. The great thing about these dark green vegetables is that you can find them easily in your grocery store and they taste great with little or no cooking, leaving much of their nutrients intact.

Here is some important information about these healthy veggies:

Broccoli is a fun vegetable for kids because it feels like you’re eating a small tree. In fact, the little buds are actually tiny flourettes that contain more than twice the amount of Vitamin C of an orange.

Some facts about broccoli you may not already know include:

  • Broccoli is a great source of fibre, both soluble and insoluble. It not only meets both types of fibre needs, but it’s also a rich source to add to your diet.
  • Research has shown indole-3-carbinol – found in the phytonutrients of broccoli – actually deactivates a metabolite which can become cancerous.
  • Broccoli also helps restore sun-damaged skin, reduces the risk of heart disease, and boosts the immune system. At the same time, it also promotes healthy bone growth due to its massive amounts of calcium.

Kale is a slightly bitter, leafy green with a huge amount of folic acid and potassium. Try some kale in your stir-fry. You may just find yourself thoroughly impressed.

  • The folic acid found in kale is a great addition to your diet if you suffer from poor hair, skin and nails.
  • In addition, the potassium helps to promote the breakdown of lactic acid in muscles after a workout, and is a great food to help prevent muscle soreness in the recovery process.

Swiss chard is similar to spinach, with a little more of an earthy undertone. Rich in Vitamins C and K, as well as calcium, Swiss chard is a great addition to salads.

  • Vitamin K helps promote healthy eye and brain function. The next time you have to spend hours staring at a computer screen or studying for that big exam, try some Swiss chard and let your mind be at ease knowing your brain is getting the nutrients it needs.

Spinach is a lean mean green antioxidant-packing machine, rich in flavour and in Vitamins A and C, and iron.

  • Spinach is loaded with important vitamins and minerals to promote healthy brain function as well as strong bones and muscles.
  • Next time you have a salad, try it with spinach instead of lettuce for a little variety and a big explosion of taste.

Lettuce may be the last thing that comes to mind when you picture dark green vegetables. While many of the lighter shades of lettuce, such as iceberg, have very little nutritional value, the darker the colour, the more they have to hide.

Romaine lettuce, while still made up mostly of water, is packed with antioxidants and fibre.

The darker green the leaf, the more folic acid is present, which prevents heart disease.

Even though lettuce seems so simple, look at some of its complex attributes:

  • Lettuce is great for diets since it’s very low in calories.
  • Magnesium, found in romaine lettuce, does wonders in revitalising muscular tissues, the brain and the nerves.
  • The chlorophyll-packed juice in lettuce is very helpful in maintaining normal hair colour.
  • Lettuce is high in iron, which helps the formation of red blood cells.
  • Lettuce may help in treating insomnia, acid indigestion, colitis, constipation, gout, stress and many other diseases as well.

While you might have been forced to eat your dark green veggies as a kid, now you know why it was so important. Even today, your dark greens are vital to your health and well-being. Try these dark greens in some new recipes; you just might surprise yourself and actually enjoy it!

Water Is The Best Beverage For My Body

What’s the big deal?
It’s common to hear that water is essential for your health. But why?

This substance makes up a majority of your body weight and is involved in many important functions, including:

flushing out waste from your body
regulating body temperature
helping your brain function
You get most of your water from drinking beverages, but food also contributes a small amount to your daily water intake.

Read on to learn more ways water can help improve your well-being.

  1. It helps create saliva
    Water is a main component of saliva. Saliva also includes small amounts of electrolytes, mucus, and enzymes. It’s essential for breaking down solid food and keeping your mouth healthy.
  2. It regulates your body temperature
    Staying hydrated is crucial to maintaining your body temperature. Your body loses water through sweat during physical activity and in hot environments.
    Your sweat keeps your body cool, but your body temperature will rise if you don’t replenish the water you lose. That’s because your body loses electrolytes and plasma when it’s dehydrated.
  3. It protects your tissues, spinal cord, and joints
    Water consumption helps lubricate and cushion your joints, spinal cord, and tissues. This will help you enjoy physical activity and lessen discomfort caused by conditions like arthritis.
  4. It helps excrete waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation
    Your body uses water to sweat, urinate, and have bowel movements.
    Sweat regulates body temperature when you’re exercising or in warm temperatures. You need water to replenish the lost fluid from sweat.
    You also need enough water in your system to have healthy stool and avoid constipation.
    Your kidneys are also important for filtering out waste through urination. Adequate water intake helps your kidneys work more efficiently and helps to prevent kidney stones.
  5. It helps maximise physical performance
    Drinking plenty of water during physical activity is essential. Athletes may perspire up to 6 to 10 percentTrusted Source of body weight during physical activity.
    Hydration also affects your strength, power, and endurance.
    You may be more susceptible to the effects of dehydration if you’re participating in endurance training or high-intensity sports such as basketball.
  6. It helps prevent constipation
    Eating fibre isn’t the only way to prevent constipation. It’s also important to maintain your water intake so your bowel movements contain enough water.
    If you don’t consume enough water, magnesium, and fibre, you may be more likely to experience constipation.
    If you’re already constipated, you may find that drinking carbonated waterTrusted Source as well as plain water can help ease your symptoms.
  7. It aids in digestion
    Contrary to what some believe, experts confirm drinking water before, during, and after a meal will help your body break down the food you eat more easily. This will help you digest food more effectively and get the most out of your meals.
    Research showsTrusted Source the body adapts to changes in the consistency of food and stomach contents, whether more solid or more liquid.
  8. It helps with nutrient absorption
    In addition to helping with food breakdown, water also helps dissolve vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from your food. It then delivers these vitamin components to the rest of your body for use.
  9. It improves blood oxygen circulation
    Water carries helpful nutrients and oxygen to your entire body. Reaching your daily water intake will improve your circulation and have a positive impact on your overall health.
  10. It helps fight off illness
    Drinking enough water can help prevent certain medical conditions. Trusted Source. These include:
    kidney stones
    exercise-induced asthma
    urinary tract infection
    Water also helps you absorb important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from your food, which will increase your chances of staying healthy.
  11. It helps boost energy
    Drinking water may activate your metabolism. A boost in metabolism has been associated with a positive impact on energy level.

One study found that drinking 500 millilitres of water boosted the metabolic rate by 30 percent in both men and women. These effects appeared to last over an hour.


Water is the best beverage for my body.

I know that water is the healthiest thing for me to drink.

I start my day with a tall glass of water. Water is exactly what my body needs after a night of sleep. Drinking water first thing in the morning gets my day off to a great start.

My body is over 70% water, so I know that it is important to replace the water I lose each day. I have clean water available to drink at all times.

I am free from the urge to drink unhealthy beverages. They might taste good, but I know that choosing these drinks can be detrimental to my health and well-being. Water is good enough for me.

I also appreciate the fact that water is the least expensive beverage, which is great for my bank account.

Drinking water is one way I show that I appreciate my body and value my health. The more water I drink, the better I feel. Drinking water is the only logical choice when I feel thirsty.

Today, I limit myself to water as my beverage. I am doing all I can for my health by only drinking water. Water is the best beverage for my body. Avoiding other beverages is easy for me. Today is the first day of many for drinking only water.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What do I normally drink? How do those beverages impact my mood or health?
  2. What can I do to ensure I drink more water each day?
  3. How would I feel after a month of only drinking water? Am I willing to find out?

Deep Impact

Deep Impact (haha sorry!) – Colonic Irrigation Treatment number 1

Whilst living in Asia, I had issues going to the toilet regularly. Before returning to the UK, I had an x-ray in which a lovely doctor pointed out that I was (and I quote), “literally full of shit!” I was lucky if I went to the toilet more than three times a week. After leaving my job in Asia, I visited a colonic irrigation clinic in Indonesia. The man I spoke with explained to me that the issues with my bowels were caused by psychological trauma from my childhood and anger that I held on to. He also said that any issues with our health tend to stem from our gut. What he said surprised me, and I was sure he was probably right, but at the time I Didn’t know how to begin healing myself.

After speaking with Tania on the phone however, I knew that this would be the start of something amazing. I was finally going to get the help I needed to start healing myself. I was looking forward to it and a little apprehensive about how it might feel.

First, I spoke with Tania about issues concerning my health. She explained that my organs, specifically my liver, would be working overtime to try and remove toxins from my body. Therefore, I needed a lot of supplements to help improve my mood and to help my body to become healthy again. Most importantly, the goal was to go to the toilet at least once a day – everyday!

Tania created a unique combination of Vibrant Food-state (natural none synthetic) supplements specifically for me, they are listed below with their some of there purposes:

  • Diatomaceous Earth – a natural pesticide to be consumed mixed with water.
  • Probiotic E 500 – to help the stomach.
  • Vitamin B Complex plus Vitamin C – Anti-oxidant
  • Zinc Plus Copper – Antioxidant
  • Vitamin D 1 – to improve my mood and skin
  • Magnesium – improves liver damage, treatment of mood swings, insomnia, and regulation of bowel movements.
  • Bromelain – reduces inflammation
  • Milk Thistle – Liver Detoxification
  • Caprylic Acid Plus – Reduce Candida

I decided to go for the ‘Elite Colonic Irrigation’ Treatment. During the first session, I had a coffee enema which helps the liver. This was then followed by the Colonic. Tania is very professional and makes you feel at ease whilst explaining what is happening in your intestine and what to expect from the treatments. Before the treatment, I was advised to drink a litre of beetroot juice the night before as this would show how well my body was digesting food and absorbing nutrients.

During the treatment there was lot of waste that came through machine which was mostly meat and other debris that had been sitting in my intestine. There were lots of thin strands attached to the food that could have been parasites. The biggest surprise for me, was how prominent the beetroot colour was. I found it fascinating and felt like I was getting a real insight into how my body works!

Immediately after the treatment and before I had taken any supplements, I felt brighter, more energetic and as though my eyes were really open! Before the treatment, I had felt lethargic, gloomy and quite sluggish. I remember going home to my sister’s house and positively beaming with energy, it’s fair to say she noticed a huge difference to my usual disposition! I was so excited to start taking the supplements and to start feeling the changes within my body.

The best part of this experience however, was how knowledgeable, professional and reassuring Tania is. She sat with me and explained the health benefits of each supplement and why I was taking it. She also gave me lots of information and advice about how I could manage my anxiety and stress. Tania provides so much more than digestive health advice and treatments. If you are open to the holistic experience, Vibrant also offers many other treatments as part of the Darlington Well Being Centre, such as Reikimeditation and the amazing pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.

I will talk about my experiences with these treatments in later posts! There are lots of reviews online. Click here to find out more.